As we have learned, her role changes every time Eir shows up in Skaldic poetry. It is certain however that Snorri had access to sources that are no longer available to us. If the offering is gone, there is an entity in your house. Your deities came from somewhere, right? If it feels like his thoughts, it is. (JSTOR). In Old Norse texts, such as Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, Jarnsaxa is described as a goddess of the sea, Thor's lover, and the mother of Magni and Modi. Write down all you learn about working with your god or goddess in your journal. Be sure to thank them and record the dreams in your journal. 5. in an altar-hallowed place; This creates some confusion as to her ancestry. The Valkyries also had healing powers often used on the battlefield. This hill, called Lyfjaberg, may be her abode, such as a hill of the Alfar, or perhaps a realm in sgard. A healing goddess, Eir resides on Lyfjaberg, or the healing mountain, along with other healing handmaidens. This is how you can communicate with your god or goddess, but how do they communicate with you? Recurring signs and symbols are one of the most common ways a god or goddess will talk to you. They are now commonly unified under the title of the Svipdagsml. But once you find the right deity, youll know it. Although the Sagas record several male healers, during the pagan period the role of doctor was womens work, while men were usually nurses or helpers. Skaldic poets frequently reference the mysterious goddess in their poetry and often use her name in kennings for women as a root word combined with another to capture the essential nature of a woman of note. Keep in mind this is a fairly comprehensive list, but by no means []. and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. who are those girls who sit peaceably together A good practice to develop is to give an offering at least once a week and then build up to once a day. The choice is yours. (Or Ayvf in modern Icelandic of the 13th century) I was beyond happy and felt truly blessed and grateful to find I had truly connected with Eir. Eir is the goddess of healing and healing in Norse mythology. There were distant clouds and lightning, but she was fearless, embracing the elements and dramatic weather, drinking it all in with joy and I felt such power and unconditional love from her. Subconscious influence that could affect my work with Eir, 5. Indeed, one translation of the name Eir is helper. Some signs of a god or goddess could be anger or lack of creativity depending on which god is trying to contact you. Her distinction as a servant of both Frigga and in, as well as her sphere of influence, have earned her a place of veneration among modern Heathens. Thats okay! Comfrey is traditionally one of Eirs herbs, and it is a famous wound healer that speeds tissue repair. But if youre still unsure, heres how to start working with a goddess or god. Once ready, light the white candle and say, "Mother Goddess, I come to you as your humble child. In the Skldskaparml, shes listed as a Valkyrie and omitted from the list of the sir. She is associated with copper, which was used in healing ceremonies. Hi Evelyn l have a ancestor altar which l use everyday. Keep a special part of your journal and dedicate it to your god or goddess. That person told me I could just pick it up after a few days or after a week. . ), There are yet others, Odins maids, Hild and Gondul, Hlokk, Mist, Skogul. The gods like to visit and talk to us during dream time. What could it mean?? According to a poem, she resides at the . The Healing of Eir, Viking Goddess of Healing Thank you for your time. [9] The name is already used in this way by the 10th century poets Kormkr gmundarson and Hallfrer vandraskld. "[2], Norse Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs, What we do know about Eir, however, is that she was closely tied to healing. and because I want to know; In addition, Eir has been compared to the Greek goddess Hygieia. Working with Eir will bring me some Tower experiences. Then every time after that it was 1:11. Appropriate Worship - Honoring the Gods the Way They Want. Snorri calls her the best of physicians and identifies her as an Aesir goddess. (Its acutally two poems, Groagaldr and Fjolvinsmal; the first starts him on a search to find Menglod, the second is a dialogue with Menglods servant as Svipdag ends his quest.). I am the author of five books on mythology, including one on sun-goddesses. I needed to make sense of it all and over the next few months I received runic symbols and information, but I felt I needed to wait until I received what was the pivotal vision and energy in mid 2018 before piecing it all together. The Beltane Goddess Mojo Tarot Spread and the reading I did for myself with the Preraphaelite Tarot deck earlier today. Eir is named both as an Aesir goddess, as a Valkyrie, and as an assistant to a jotunn healing deity. Reblogged this on Die Goldene Landschaft. Although Snorri does not explicitly name her as one of the asunjar, he also does not name every goddess counted in this number. I could be wrong but I feel sparrow is strongly connected with Eir and my quest to connect with/learn from her. This becomes a sort of pagan baptism. Some of us may heed that call and dedicate ourselves entirely in her honor. For the card at the top, I chose to modify the original Two Choices Tarot spread slightly and went with a card from the Angels and Ancestors Orale rather than a Major Arcana card. 1. She additionally draws a link between these spirits and Lyfjaberg: Lyfjaberg is where the goddess sits surrounded by her helpful spirits. To quote the great scientist Nikola Tesla: Svipdag spake:Now answer me, Fjolsvith, the question I ask,For now, the truth would I know:What maidens are they that at Mengloths kneesAre sitting so gladly together?Fjolsvith spake:Hlif is one named, Hlifthrasa another,Thjothvara call they the third;Bjort and Bleik, Blith and Frith,Eir and Aurbotha. The Lady showing up here is a strong sign that working with the Goddess is a very good idea indeed, and so are the cards to the left, for Eir. Ilmr, like Eir, is a goddess in one place, a valkyrie in another. Can I work with both Norse gods and goddesses and Greek gods and goddesses?? Personalized Advertising. They have everything they need and dont require groveling. The healing modality Eir wants me to use. In Icelandic Norse paganism, prayers to Eir aid in medical healing and childbirth. They could be akin to protective spirits of the house, guarding both men and women." Although it may appear incongruous that a healing goddess would be a Valkyrie, in fact, it is not that strange at all. Yet hours later, I looked at my clock and it read 12:12. Scholars concluded that the lays known as the Gragaldr and the Fjlsvinnsml when put together formed one cohesive whole. She lived with other handmaidens named Hlf, jvarta, Bjrt, Blr Bl, Fr, Hlfrasa, and Aurboa, in addition to Eir. Its easy to curse someone with any ill intent even if its just them talking to themselves to make themselves feel better. Does anyone have any input or suggestions because that would really help!! The watchman names all 9, including Eir, whose name distinguishes her as one who offers protection, mercy, and help. The rune set I aquired belongs to her. The name of Eir makes an appearance in the thulur mnemonic verses, in another list of Valkyries. (You could read this last sentence as if Eir was a norn, making you wonder what sort of a being she was, or if anyone even knew.) Again, as with spirit animals, we have no direct sources to indicate what magical objects she may have possessed. Saunas. Learn how to use tarot to honor the gods here. I want to work with Greek gods and goddesses but I feel like the Norse goddess Freya is calling to me. The cards for working with the Angels arent bad either. The stick records a common mercantile transaction followed by a verse from a displeased scribe (edits applied per the translator's notes): Mindy Macleod and Bernard Mees posit that the first line of the inscription essentially means "women make me miserable" or potentially "marriage makes me miserable," whereas the second line means "women often take a lot of sleep from me. are named Hlif, Hlifthursa, Thiodvarta, Biort, Blid, Blidr, Frid, and Orboda. The verse before the one about Menglods maidens tells us that they live at Healing-Mountain, Lyfjaberg, which heals womens illnesses and barreness. To hear their name on your lips or see their name in your writing would be flattering, dont you think? Talk to your god or goddess in your mind or out loud. They then conspicuously leave her out of an alternative list of the synjur later in the same chapter. Another wonderful thing youll noticethe more you give offerings the more you will receive. Eir is a pre-Christian goddess while Snorri was a Christianized writer of the Icelandic middle ages. This would negate the purity of your ritual. This fascinating goddess presents us with more mysteries than conclusions. As a Valkyrie, she might have at one time been human, but again we know nothing of this. I have dedicated an oracle card deck to my patron god and him only. Hill tops. It gives us the energetic stance and mindset of the peaceful warrior unafraid to do battle where and when necessary in life, but holding the energy and empathy of a compassionate human being moment to moment. From the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda to Skaldic poetry and runic inscriptions, there are clues to the existence of this wise and beneficent being. Eir - Goddess of healing. According to your beliefs or needs, it is equally valid to consider her an Aesir goddess, a jotunn healing deity, a handmaid of Frigga, which may be the true identity of the jotunn Menglod, or as a Valkyrie with healing powers. Hlif is one, a second Hlifrasa, Few goddesses are as mysterious as the elusive Eir and yet there is every reason to believe that she may . So be careful who youre invoking into your space and life. Whatever the truth may be Eir, was important enough for him to make two separate references to her in his writings. And yet clues remain to a mystery as yet unraveled. The Norns are deities responsible for shaping the destinies of all living beings in the 9 realms. Whether they called on her directly or as an aspect of Menglod is hard to say for sure. Now is your time to relax and get into an altered state of mind. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. She is attested to in the Prose Edda, the Poetic Edda, and Svipdagsmal. The first part of the Medieval ballad of Ungen Sveidal corresponds to the Gragaldr while the second match Fjlsvinnsml. It may be that Snorri placed her into the Aesir tribe because he believed them to be the more wholesome of the two great tribes of the Norse gods. Enjoy! So youve found your god and goddess, but now youre left wondering whats next? Never ask them where they came from or what they do for a living? It means to pledge our time, effort, and service in that god or goddess name. As handmaid to a giantess, she may well have some jotunn lineage, but as with her Aesir, or human, we can also not say this for certain. +150 Popular Norse and Viking Names (Female & Male). I create my own reality and may I birth forth ideas inspired by your creation., Next anoint your root chakra and say, I ground myself in your holy name, Mother Goddess. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Her home is a hill known as Lyfjaberg. 39. If its herbs or flowers, present the offering by holding it up to the North. Another way to get to know and start working with a goddess or god is through divination. The cards to the left represent choosing to work with Eir (The Sun, 9 of Cups, The Tower). (Simek says valkyries had the power to raise the dead, which could fit with Eirs healing power.) What I must do if I wish to work with Eir. Although healing by a goddessor indeed by a god eitherhas left little mark on Norse myths as they have come down to us, there is no doubt that the healing power of goddesses was of enormous importance in daily life in the pre-Christian period, as was that of many women saints in Christian times. Eir Healing is the channelling and receiving of the specific empowering spiritual energetic vibration of Eir, the Norse goddess of healing. 35, Faulkes trans. Scholars have theorized about whether these three sources refer to the same figure, and debate whether Eir may have been originally a healing goddess or a valkyrie. All I know is that I must have angered someone, because lately I havent been my creative and wild self. In body, mind, and spirit. You dont have to kneel down or bow your head to pray to your god or goddess. As a Valkyrie, she brings the souls of great heroes to Valhalla. She lives in the company of 9 maidens, each with their own special power. May my roots mingle and mix with yours. In his article on Ilmr, Hopkins says that EIr, Ilmr and Skuld are all listed as different kinds of beings. Eir Healing is a spiritually empowering healing modality for everyone that can be given in person or distantly. ( I come to you in awe of your beauty and power on this Earth. Go with your gut above all else when working with any kind of spirit. The answer to this question boils down to who you ask. Or Norn. (1996). Eir, Goddess of healing and medicine, wall art, beautiful goddess, art print, Norse goddess of healing poster, Viking mythology 5 out of 5 stars (119) $ 3.00. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. She may be related to the Indo-European Swiss goddess, Erecura, known to the Celts as Aerucura. The powers of the Aesir goddess of healing, Ratatoskr: The Mischievous Messenger of Yggdrasil, Nidhogg: Serpent of the Underworld in Old Norse Mythology. . I AM a child of the Mother Goddess. Skuld is one of the three norns, and the poem Groagaldr also mentions her as a norn, but the poem Voluspa includes a Skuld in its list of valkyries, and in two lists of valkyries by Snorri, including the one that mentions Eir. He does, however go on to say that Eir is among the most important of all goddesses. While she's referenced in three separate Skaldic texts, her role often changes. The rune is inscribed on a stick that records a business transaction but also includes thereafter a short verse, quoted here with the translators notes. Before the rise of the male dominated medical institutions of Europe, the healing and medical care of the community in Norse and Germanic countries was largely the sphere of women. Thiodvarta is the third, I would work with whoever is calling to you, follow your heart! This later composition of the Poetic Edda holds a clear reference to Eir and a description of her abode.
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