/cast [@pet,exists] Kill Command. i am trying to make the simply missdirection macro and the tranquilizing shot works but i had no success. I have one you may like to add to the pet section. /cast Some Shot If you talented Bilescourge Bombers, it will cast the ability at your /cast Trap Launcher Watch your focus bar next time you go to use it, then use Trap Launcher separately youll see what I mean. is there any way to make a macro for casting serpent sting with concusion shot and casting arcane shot with mend pet. Someone try it and let me know. . Select the mob that you want to pull (and misdirect). It is not the keybindings I want to swap, but the macros. Also works for Steady and Chimera if youre in MM mode, or Cobra and Kill Command if a BM. If you have no Focus and you target a friendly (usually a Tank in a party/raid), your friendly target will be set as your Focus target. On another note, these macros are amazing, im going to try them out soon in the arena! specifically will cast Spell Lock if you have a Felhunter, or Seduction /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 (At the end of it), Sound seems to resume. would like to get them on the same button if possible, thanks! This macro /cast Silencing Shot This macro will immediately halt any spell cast and activate Aspect of the Turtle. Hunters are often early targets and its good to have protection as often as its up. I didnt get a chance to log in and test it last night but on checking here in preparation to post what I was about to test I saw your reply and was able to adjust my macros in time to get into a Tol Barad, battle and having those macod before the shots made a nice difference. Thanks for all the great macros and all the other great Hunter help. /cast Wing Clip /usetalents [spec:1] 2; [spec:2] 1 Here are some of the basic commands used when scripting macros: /target - target an enemy, friendly player or npc. These macros allow you to bind a spell from each pet to the same bind. /petdefensive Hello again. /cast [modifier:ctrl, target=locksnamehere] Masters Call, to work i have to put in the names of my team mates where it says Player and name here right? /cast !Kill Command While pressing the alt modifier, this macro will command your pet to attack your mouseover target. Hey everyone, for some time now I've been trying to make a macro that will do the following: Makes my pet attack my TARGET and if I don't have one, the pet will attack the mouseover target. If youre unable to get this to work, then you must have some addon interfering. talented, it will be cast instead. 10 = gloves mainly for dungeons rather than having to click tab then 2 for every target. @mouseover Target your mouseover target. . I havent tried the Volley one yet, but it looks promising. /usetalents [spec:2] 1 Thanks for any help. Its helpful for macros that use target circles like Flare and Trap Launcher that way you dont accidentally clear the target circle if you press the key more than once. Pressing it will heal you or a mouseover target (e.g., main tank, arena partner) if you have one highlighted. Im not sure how you interpreted that from my response. i was looking for macros that would make using arcane shot my stings, black arrow, and explosive shot easier as if i was mashing a button instead of dancing around looking for all my hot keys. /castsequence reset=2 Trap Launcher, Freezing Trap displayed, or use it by default. Ive also tried /petstay. 10 Gloves A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Get Directions . 1{Hawk+ES+AB switch} 2{Hawk+AS+AB switch} 3{Hawk+BA+AB switch} 4{Hawk+KS+AB switch} 5{Hunters Mark} 6{CS}.. So what i want to know is for the follwing shots in a row: Snakebite > chimera shot > steady shot > steady shot > arcane shot > arcane shoot > and than from postion 2 again with chimera shot. Is there a way to swap macros and bindings with the spec? Also is there a way to make your macros do something different based upon what aspect you are in similar to bear/cat form or battle/berserker stance? Im not that coordinated, and there are SO many different combinations. raiding, this is the most powerful tool in your kit. /cast [button:2] Hunters Mark, left mouse click to hunters mark But regardless of what class I play, I always have a handy macro that I find the most fundamental. /target [target=focus,help,nodead] focus; [target=pet, exists] playerpet /targetenemy [noharm] [dead] Not only I guess its the cool downs that are keeping me from making it work. They all worked exc the All in one! Awesome site bro!! On subsequent use this will cast Death Coil on yourself. This is a super-handy-dandy macro I created for some expert angling. I love you how break down what each line/command does. Blood Fury is a powerful DPS boost that is best used when combined with other burst abilities such as Bestial Wrath, Trueshot or Coordinated Assault, like this: The Trolls Berserking racial is another great DPS cooldown. Select your new macro and use the text editor below to tell it what to do. Raid Check and Inspect, Invite Tools and Boss mods among others. In a macro, you could use something like: I havent tested it, but in theory, you will select the mob to the right unless you hit a modifier button (shift/mod/alt) to move left. Evoker WeakAuras for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, Warlock WeakAuras for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, Monk WeakAuras for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, Rogue WeakAuras for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. Hunter's Mark - Pet Attack - Pet Recall (All-In-One), Call Pet/Revive Pet, Pet Attack, Pet Follow, Aspect of the Cheetah / Pack by mouse click, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, name it, describe what it does, and use a 'space' before each command for the 'code box', note the version of WoW that you tested it in, if moving from another page, remove it from the old page, Use: This yells, "Hooray, I made a macro! Also saw that you are back to using Shadowed UF, which I thought youd dropped. Right above this aura I have another aura which shows the duration of the Mend Pet spell so that I know when to re-cast it if needed. /cast Hunters Mark, is there a way to make a macro so it casts 1 spell and if its on cd it casts the other 1i want to have killshot first and explosive second this way i can always be shooting explosive shot but when killshot comes up its first in line for use.. any way this is possible or do i have to have them as seperate keys i just have to many damn moves on my bars and some are getting incresingly harder to click during arena. #showtooltip Aimed Shot Ive also discovered that I really like being a hunter. It suffers from the same flaw that all my previous attempts suffered from as well it uses focus up twice. furnished with almost everything you need; unit frames, raid frames, minimap, /cast volley. That will throw a Hunters Mark up on your tanks target, send your pet in, and begin your autoattack. /cast [mod:shift] Scorpid Sting, #showtooltip Tranquilizing Shot This macro will target that next enemy, have pet attack, and target last target. Serpent Sting, Steady Shot (to fill gaps). Will ensure hawk is active during volley, and that you dont clip your volley either. I dont know what you think about this one, for a Pandaren Hunter Unfortunately you cannot do that, because Concussive Shot and Arcane Shot are both on the global cooldown and cant be used at the same time. /cast Disengage I was planning a mention of that macro, along with some other additions. Without pressing any key modifier, this macro will Chains of Ice your current target. Wont refresh it if you are chain casting volley, nor will it interfere with it in any way. hey thx for the macros. If not, it works like normal Living Bomb. Freed up 4 buttons for me. however, allowing you to break down your data in depth without leaving the hmm..How much max can a bm hunter pet crit? The Warlock one is long, but that's because it needs to try every pet ability. Nameplates are essential for allowing you to easily keep track of basic Can you confirm this? /cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command The second one will do the same thing, except with Sacrifice, personally. uses PVP equipment Sorry again, didnt know where to place the comments. is that because the addon is in this case only working on focus or is it just a bugg? /[mod:shift] petpassive; petattack #show volley /cast Disengage This macro will dispel a buff or enrage effect from your hover-over target, or your current target if no other targets are highlighted. I win more than half my encounters this macro sets off, and Im still levelling, and actively PvP through each bracket. Grats mmslayer. I have about 1040 resilience in my PvP gear, which seems to be enough to keep my pet from being nuked in seconds. Saddath 2 yr. ago and calls a PVP pet. otherwise on your current target. It should work. But what exactly are you looking for? Its default profile requires quite some editing. His tips gave me a great boost in DPS by eliminating lulls in my dps cycle by binding offensive skills to secondary or tertiatry abilities. /startattack Thanks Ekran. They are also /cast Trap Launcher Another pet macro I use that helps to save some time: #showtooltip You can then spam Arcane Shots into your main target until focus depleted. I hope you find my collection of hunter macros useful. right mouse click to send pet into attack and hunters mark at the same time Like the trap macros, this one turns Binding Shot into a one-button press which may make using it a bit smoother. In footage shared to TikTok by an account called . !! this rotation has been real effective against all casters so if there is anything i can do to get me going faster or what let me know bc i need alot of help. It seems like it should work if you spam it. moving and stopping. Forgive the possibly elementary question, but I have tried several variations of what I want to macro without success. While pressing the alt modifier this will cast Death Coil on your pet. Chrudim. /castsequence - casts spells in a determined order. I hope that I was able to explain it properly, bear with me, thats the est I could do. Also, take on consideration that Lock/Mage pet cast from range so i located my pet near to the area on which rune spawn and then used that macro in order to move the pet to the center of the rune. /cast [nopet] Call Pet I use this for my mount macro, works everytime just have to remember to right click after landing in Dal, It also stops you from doing something stupide like dismounting in midair /cast Rapid Fire Can u put serpent sting and widow venom together and can maybe add multi- shot. /dismount [mounted,noflying] procs and cooldowns effortless. Spec into Improved Revive Pet. It also comes already Aimed Shot (For when using Flare Macro with Track Hidden) - This will turn on Track Humanoids (for Improved Tracking), Remove Blessing of Protection or Detterence to become able to shoot and fire Aimed shot. Also, Gar, for aspect macros, Ive tried the two line style ones you have listed, before, I find that the tend to cancel the primary one or not cast the secondary one at all, whereas the /castsequence !, ! In your first new favorite macro, I didnt see /cast Hunters mark is there a reason for that, a conflict with the GCD? /cast Aspect of the Cheetah. i tryed this: I havent checked if there are differences between the two trees, but off hand, you should be able to reduce the file size by more than 50% by deleting one of the trees and the *.bak files. thanks. What kind of macro would you recommend including scatter shot and immolation trap?im glad that I found huntsmanlodgeits awesome and ive learn a lot about macros from you,GarwulfHunter become my favourite caracterTnx. /castsequence reset=# spell name, wisp spirit Glad you are enjoying the site. also is there any way to get it to say something at the same time???? [pet:felhunter,@mouseover,exists,nodead][pet:felhunter,@target] Devour Magic; /cast [nochanneling:Drain Life] Drain Life. /cast dismiss pet 6 Belt /cast [mod:alt] Dismiss Pet; [mod:ctrl]Call Pet 1; [mod:shift] Revive Pet; [@pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet 2; Mend Pet, Is there a way you can string on /startattack at the end? This macro will cast Demonic Strength at mouseover if available, /startattack http://www.warcrafthuntersunion.com/2010/11/cataclysm-mm-hunter-shot-rotation-guide/. Without pressing any key modifier, this macro will command your pet to attack your current target. Never have to switch target in the middle of the boss fight again! /cast Chimera Shot, /cast !Aspect of the Hawk /cast Call of the Wild , Ok, odd it does not like me putting things in the arrow brackets, so after each ! and our Of course, Im not an engineer, so I cant try this firsthand. For Cobra Shot I have: Replace Immolate with any spell that you want if you desire. I design WeakAuras and create guides for the World of Warcraft Community over on Twitch and YouTube. Either way, welcome! Press the button with shift and they return. Thanks for the reply. Perhaps I should have mentioned, that I use Dominos and wish to keep doing so for now ;o) Been drooling a bit over Macaroon, but I have a good thing going with Dominos: Easy/comfortable use, easy setup/design and very easy keybindings just no support for dual-spec, yet. When you really need to burn someone down you hit this button and launch into your shots. Thanks for some other wonderful post. /use 15 erase intimidation if it doesnt work for you( its my own secret formula) WOOOT! these macros helped me out soo much when in bgs. /cast Some Shot My only problem to handle the masters call. also make your Dreadstalkers, Vilefiend (if talented) and Tyrant move, players choose to simply import other people's Weak Auras rather than make Not sure of a way to show only the active states. When the gates go up and a target is called and a CC target is called you have ready to go buttons for your targets. Heres how its gonna look: #showtooltip Weak Auras can be used to create just about anything you can /petassist. thnx for ur hunter appreciation . Use this macro instead for anything outside of PvP: /targetenemy /cast Steady Shot or /cast Cobra Shot. I just started a hunter, and I like to do my research before leveling and PvPing, and this has been a wonderful resource! Its frustrating being the only ranged class where our ranged abilities are useless in melee. Even with targeting the enemy first it the hunters mark doesnt appear on the target tested it out on the TD many time. /cast Misdirection Another Hunters Mark macro I use. /petassist, yeppers my one brain cell caught up and i stumbled on the correct fix for the pve fix but thanks kindly for your response. A lot of other webs should take note!! Glad you like my mount macro; I have so many fun mounts it seems a shame not to use a variety of them.
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