Above all, they have declared that both Rahu and Ketu are exalted in the same sign Scorpio in contrast to the contemporary belief that they are exalted in opposite signs. Sun: Home (Home Base) - Leo Detriment (Difficult Time) - Aquarius Exhaltation (Comfortable) - Aries Fall (Debilitated) - Libra Moon: Home (Home Base) - Cancer Detriment (Difficult So it amplifies debilitated Venus to make it a normal Venus. Here the deep spiritual aspect of Venus cannot flourish. But there is a lot more that can happen when Venus is debilitated in the 2nd house. Therefore beneath all the glamour and glitter of materialistic promise, Venus is actually about deep spirituality. They will experience lack of comforts and conveyance. He respects no boundaries and is never satisfied. Dr.Vinay Bajrangi: Every planet, including Mars, has two types of nature: its intrinsic nature and nature based on the lordship. What type of chemistry do you share with that special someone. Mantra to Parashurama: Om Namo Bhagavate Parashuramaya. When a person works so hard for earning the money, they get less time for their loved one. Their artistic and musical skills may not be that great. The native is a Cancer Ascendant if Venus is debilitated in the 3rd house. Wealthy and possess beautiful eyes. A favourable debilitated Venus in tenth house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good professional results and the natives under this favourable influence of debilitated Venus are seen successful in professions related to medicines, hotels, law, food products, textiles, trading etc.A favourable debilitated Venus in tenth house of a horoscope give very This placement suggests a ride or die person. If you would like to improve the strength of this planet, pick a few of these suggestions and try to implement them in your daily life. So romantic nature and romance will be there in life but there can be a tendency towards fault-finding in the romantic partner leading to setback in romance. If seen from the other side, these people can be a very successful design and film critics. Looked through various texts but could not find good answers. The astrology dictum is that if a debilitated planet aspects another debilitated planet, the debilitation of the aspect receiving planet is lessened. It can now be done by direct services or counselling. The placement and transit of Ketu is a spectacular astrological event. Taking an example, kindly read book for detailed example. The native may not have any shelter to work and he may be working from the streets as many people do (for example, rickshaw Walas and vehicle drivers). The birth chart is your life's situation and so debilitated Venus in the birth chart may not be a great issue. However, in deeper terms of Vedic Astrology, Venus is actually Daitya Guru Shukracharya. Can debilitated Mars make you take bribe? Since Taurus sign falls on the 8th house for a Libra Ascendant > it means the ability to do sex (8th house) is controlled by Venus and since Venus is debilitated in the 12th house > it shows the inability to do sex or maybe impotency if other planets in the birth chart also indicate that. Ketu is a karmic planet and gives valuable insights into the past life of the native. Venus is the main significator of marriage. Debilitated Venus in the 9th house for Capricorn ascendant Venus rules the 5th and the 10th house for Capricorn and is the Yogakaraka planet. Venus has only 1 aspect. If your Venus is debilitated in the first house (that will be the case if you are a Virgo Ascendant) then it may affect your personality as the 1st house is the house of your physical self and personality. He would be world famous person. One thing you should notice that when Venus is debilitated, he is placed 12 signs away from Libra, which is Venus Mooltrikon sign and the sign of relationships and partnerships. To abstract this principle one step: The planet who owns the sign causing another planet to be debilitated is one of the planets who has the potential to help the debilitated planet rise above. What Venus represents in Vedic Astrology? Often this shows a need to learn the true meaning of giving and sharing. Debilitated Venus makes you work hard to earn money as Virgo is hard work and Venus is money. It is a hyper-critical Venus here. There is also a strong co-relation between Mars and Venus. Relation with the siblings may be difficult and there will be disturbances in the family life. so, venus is not strong as well. How does notorious criminal Charles Sobraj live in luxury in jail and entice so many women even after being known as the Bikini Killer. It can give good higher education, and prosperity. Relationship with the spouse also suffers. For Venus to provide positive or negative results one should check the results and positioning of the other planets in the Kundli. There are many possible instances indicating the weakness of Venus in ones chart. Try do be more diplomatic in your speech. Venus combust (very close to the Sun). Shankara Rudra Homam : Its Glorious Benefits, Naga Panchami 2022: 9 Most Amazing Snake Temples of India. Venus acts creatively behind every romantic move of yours. We need to look at the overall birth chart to judge correctly. With debilitation Venus' natural significations like love, serenity, purity, happiness, marriage, romantic relationships, comforts of life, wealth etc. This means sex at night and since Venus is debilitated there could be problems related to sex. debilitated venus in 12th . Having retrograde Mercury and debilitated Venus in 7thand 8thhouse would create trouble in his married life, his married life could be delayed, they could be separation or even divorce, he would also not be blessed with chocolate hero good looks, but with rugged and crude looks, though given his 9th, 10thand 11thhouse planets and also his healthy children, and anything he touches would be turned into gold. When Mars is weak Venus also gets weaker. In other words, you may not be good at customer care because of the debilitated Venus and as a result, you may lose the customers. Kundli is the basis of Vedic Astrology and acts as the astrological chart to calculate the future of an individual. In olden days, there were slaves and such people had their Venus debilitated. In the 1st house there will be insecurities about the appearance and personality. Working hard to fulfil ambition, lack of happiness and social circle are the main factors here. Moreover, in a standard horoscope Libra governs the . Cookie Notice Venus is about the purest form of universal love. Essential Dignity & Debility refers to the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Planets Through the Signs. Worried about your career prospects? Can 7th lord in 2nd house give multiple marriages or relationships? Read more > debilitated Venus in 8th house. They unnecessary proud too much themselves and show off in carrier place. Rao graduated from the University of Delhi and he learnt acting at the Film and Television Institute of India. A person with debilitated Venus in the Navamsa chart will not be able to enjoy the luxuries and facilities they were born with or worked for. (1) Saturn can help a debilitated Jupiter, because Saturn owns Capricorn, wherein Jupiter falls to debilitation. They will also spend huge amount of money on these matters. That is the reason 'exalted Venus' people are healers, doctors, engineers, programmers but debilitated Venus people are just opposite of exalted Venus people and it is hard for them to achieve anything in life through education as they are not peaceful from inside like exalted Venus. This can be compared to a soldier who is in a deep sleep. Relationship with the children can also be spoilt because of ones over criticising nature. Physical intimacy in married life also reduces. 8th house of Virgo has Venus 05-33-06 (Debilitated) Challenging; this is a very challenging placement and makes him average looking and one who is not your typical chocolate boy; good looking hero material and he would have to work the hard way through his craft and through the auspices of his 9th 10th and 11th houses as well as exalted Saturn, to overcome the handicap of his mediocre looks by excelling in his craft. There will be some issues related to women in the workplace and that may cause difficulty in profession. How To Recognize Physical Beauty . Answer (1 of 4): It's creating a Neech Bhang Raja Yoga when debilitated venus is conjuct with exalted mercury, it simply means that it cancels the debilation of venus and venus will not give bad results many famous celebrities have Neechabhang rajyoga in their horoscope examples: Amitabh Bachchan. This kind of insecurity and a constant effort to improve in the matters related to Venus comes with debilitation. Now if we consider Virgo, it shows calculating, analytical mind and perfectionist mentality. , 2023 , , - , Know what a Horoscope says with the Best Astrology Software, Sita Navami 2023: The Story, Importance and Rituals of this Festival, Jupiter Transit in Aries 2023: Effects of Jupiter-Rahu Guru Chandal Dosh, Leo Star: The Best Astrology Software for Professional Astrologers, 2023 . Mars is passion. A Venus in Scorpio (debilitated) or moon on Scorpio (fall) ? The debilitated Venus usually is beneficial in nature when it enters the 1st house of the horoscope. Marriage may be delayed, and they may have more than one partner in case Venus in 1st House is debilitated. Cultivate refinement and sensitivity in your life. Are you spending countless nights lying awake thinking if you choose the right company or is your labour worth the money that you are earning?! Deepika Padukone's 3 planets - Sun, Mercury and Venus are in this Dharam Sthanam. Here are some of them: When several of these factors combine, a traditional Vedic remedy is a necessity. Jul 30, 2013. Read in more details here > Venus debilitated in the 1st house. For example, if Venus is your 6th lord and is debilitated, it actually is better for you. Debilitated Venus in the 2nd house for Leo ascendant Venus rules the 3rd and the 10th house. Venus is debilitated in Virgo because of failing to express unconditional and spiritual love in the critical sign of Virgo, which requires several conditions met for love. When our need for social acceptance becomes so great, we act falsely in order to get someone, for we are dwelling in the shadows. Venus usually is considered an auspicious planet but when it enters Virgo, it gets weakened and has a lot of consequences and causes a lot of changes in the life of the native. There is a strong tendency that the native will be drawn towards the subject of beauty . Venus debilitation in the second house show the native pursue materialism of life, because they follow materialism they forget their value in life which is coming from family and become corrupt, they generally critical to their friends and siblings and feel lack of energy. A female with a debilitated Venus might have a lot of skin problems. Spiritual life remains underdeveloped.7th creates issues in partnerships and with the spouse due to lustful nature, laziness is another vice of this placement.8th difficulty in the domestic life and lack of contentment, spirituality gets a set back and there is indulgence in sensual pleasure.9th shows problems with the children, love relations may suffer due to critical nature, there is a lot of emphasis on the materialistic achievement.10th lack of ambition, co-workers, particularly females may cause problems or for females one need to take care of the dignity at workplace11th inability to create a social circle, contracts or large deals may cause issues, makes one lazy too.12th ups and downs in health, lack of warmth in physical relations. Virgo is owned by Mercury, and therefore Virgo is Venus friendly sign, then why does Venus get debilitated here? Venus here is debilitated, but in the Kendra house, and has directional strength. http://www.authenticastrology.com/astrological-services/Venus helps us to evaluate our choices and make decisions that support a life lived with purpose and . On April 7, 1996, Saturn moved into the sign of Aries. Is there any YouTube channel that can teach it? This unfavorable bonding between two powerful planets would have a significant detrimental impact on those natives. Financial gain comes in abundance, particularly from speculative schemes or from such professions. Any work where critical approach is required will be successful. The major problem comes when Venus is debilitated both in the Navamsa and the birth chart. You may fall in love with your teacher. Offering sweets to girls has been considered as the most powerful remedy for Venus. How can someone start learning it? Or you may have a lot of disputes and arguments with the customers. Does Mangalik Dosha exist in My Chart? Venus as the lord of 7 th house is in good Raja Yoga with 10 th lord Sun. and our Venus and Your Astrology The astrology dictum is that if a debilitated planet aspects another debilitated planet, the debilitation of the aspect receiving planet is lessened. If you would like to preview your Vedic natal chart and see where your Venus is placed, please see theCALCULATOR. Multiple affairs can be there. As a Leo sun, Scorpio moon, and Capricorn rising, there's no doubt that Kylie Jenner was born to be a star. Just came out of a nerve wrecking Ketu MD, hence the question. The benefit of any debilitated planet is that, if it is the lord of the malefic houses, the bad results of those houses also reduce. mainly in the Mahadasha or Antardasha or Pratyantardasha of Venus. True beauty will be exemplified by Venusian aspects to either the ascendant or to the ruler of the chart. But here debilitated Venus should be in benefic influence. It also indicates that the connection would be more on the physical level than the emotional one. Therefore Venus strives hard to overcome his weakness here. It is better to avoid partnership business with this position of Venus. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. This can be verified by his palm picture (inset). Venus low in Shad Bala (planetary strength), especially when it does not meet its required percentage in most individual Balas. One may face issues if they enter into a contract. You may not have the sense to dress properly. Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, and The Weeknd are just a few of the Venus in Capricorn celebs. Know more about Rajesh Bihani). Parashurama relates to the planet of Venus. It shows that matters related to children and love relations may suffer due to the critical nature of the native. What if Venus is debilitated in the 3rd house? Let us now check the results for all ascendants. Debilitated Venus in the 6th house for Aries ascendant Venus rules the 2nd and the 7th house for Aries ascendant. If a well-integrated Venus in Scorpio falls in love with you, you have a loyal, caring lover. If you are new to Vedic astrology and would like to learn more about the strength of your Venus (and all your other planets), as well as receive more personalised remedies for your problems, please consider checking out my affordable birth chart readingsHERE. I shall give only key features for each house, however, if you have debilitated Venus in the birth chart, do not judge your own horoscope just based on these placements of Venus, it is important to check the horoscope holistically to know the actual promise. This is the house of name, fame, luck, education. Maintaining harmony and balance in relationships will be difficult. But Venus in Virgo (if Venus is not debilitated due to Neech Bhang) is also found in people who are in sports as Virgo is a very hard-working sign. It is not really good to have a debilitated planet in the ascendant for health and confidence. Debilitated Venus in the 5th house for Taurus ascendant Venus is the lord of 1st and 6th house for Taurus and is placed in the trine. 7. It shows that the spouse will be good looking, but he or she will not be able to fulfil natives desires. The dark side of Venus is hatred and meanness. Here Venus is not only weak but also placed in the house of loss. He has to be very careful of his marriage matters also his MKSD makes him prone to taking too much risk with regards to his personal life. Some jewellery, good clothes, and well-groomed appearance can help, provided your self-image is not totally dependent on these external enhancements. Venus also represents love and pleasure and so it is our ability to enjoy. Sun afflicting the seventh house or Leo sign. Though it is not always so as debilitation sometimes gets canceled due to 'Neech Bhang Raj Yog' occurring in the birth chart. #1. He is destinies child. Read more > debilitated Venus in 3rd house. This means that Venus will form a Ptolemaic aspect, each one's quality related to the degree of beautification. There can be more than one romantic interest. Here the loss and expenses reduce, but so does bed pleasures.5th set back in romance and speculative earning. But it is to be noted that Venus is debilitated in Virat's Chart, whereas it is powerfully placed in Taurus in Anushka's Chart it is. It can also show ups and downs in the career and unsteady growth path. Can debilitated Venus in 8th house make you addicted to sex? Reasons behind debilitation of Venus at 27 degree - Venus is debilitated at 27 degree as it also gets debilitated in D-9 chart. A debilitated planet can be strengthened by strengthening the house opposite to it .
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