This post will cover what I learned about . My goal was to add variety to my diet, not to improve my health, as it was about as good as it gets. Taking the prescription binder in potentially moldy environments during and/or after for two weeks will clear mycotoxin accumulation in the body. In a well-functioning immune system, cytokines are created as a response to invading pathogens and play a role in upregulating the inflammatory response. The carnivore diet is a super low-residue diet. Ideally, each finished level of the home as well as the workplace should be independently tested. Thats up to 40 million people in the US alone. The multi-step diagnostic criteria for mold illness include having a certain number of these symptoms which we will explain later on. Yet the before and after pictures demonstrate how cutting carbs and eating fat routinely results in dramatic weight loss. Research indicates that 25% of the population is susceptible to chronic mold illness and 96% of chronic sinus infections are caused by mold. It wasn't always pretty. There are a lot of factors at play here when it comes to mold illness, a complex subcategory of biotoxin illness. While we cant always control every environment that were in, the most important one to address is the home. Mold illness symptoms are often mistaken with other chronic conditions. TGF Beta-1 (normal range: <2380 pg/mL): The multifunctional protein is essential for regulating the bodys innate immune system, overall immune function, cell migration, and cell survival. Mold illness practitioners have a comprehensive histamine support toolbox with varying supplements, over-the-counter medications, and prescription options for providing temporary relief during the protocol. These mistaken pathways can present as histamine reactions to chemicals, scents, or foods that you were able to tolerate before. Anything from the animal kingdom! The initial symptoms created by these cytokine effects can present as headaches, poor body temperature regulation, muscle aches, and concentration issues. The VCS test can be taken for free here or use the official test option from Dr. Shoemaker for a nominal fee here. I have them at night for a few days, usually topped with some honey, and I feel like this really helps reset my leptin signaling and helps with my hormones. In terms of mold illness, about 25% of the population is genetically susceptible to this condition. We talk about their journey to carnivore, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) and much more. Organ meats are natures multivitamin they are bursting with nutrients. Well search for answers until we turn over every rock (or case study and research paper). Water damage events can include property flooding, plumbing leaks, washing machine overflow, broken pipes, groundwater seepage, clogged toilets, roof hail damage, and more. Judy and her nutritional therapist team focus on root-cause healing by starting with the Carnivore Cures all-meat elimination protocol and meeting their patients and clients where they are. In a well-functioning immune system, cytokines are created as a response to invading pathogens and play a role in upregulating the inflammatory response. Lipid replacement and limbic retraining arent specified in this protocol but are essential supports for helping patients better tolerate treatment. After each subsequent phase has been completed and all blood markers restored to their normal ranges, the patient will be cured of mold illness and should be free from symptoms and the many downstream consequences of toxic mold exposure. Since increased TGF Beta-1 is linked to autoimmune issues and dysfunction among physiological symptoms, its important to correct it. have the ability to cause a range of adverse health impacts from acute mold poisoning to long-term effects such as mold illness or even cancer. These types of mold are on the lower end in terms of the danger scale. Molds are fungal organisms that grow in damp environments, preferentially feeding off of cellulose-based materials, including many of the materials we use to construct buildings! The carnivore diet or an animal-based diet are both great diet interventions for reducing inflammation and aiding in gut healing. Whenever you start a new diet or protocol, always consult with your trusted practitioner first. This presents for about 5% of all mold illness cases. Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is also a common downstream effect of mold illness. She could eat some veggies if she chose to. MARCoNS tends to occur in over 80% of MSH-deficient mold illness patients. Both CSM and Welchol have the specific charge and receptor site for binding to biotoxins including all toxic mold pathogens for elimination. Histamine intolerance can be a common downstream effect of mold illness. The toxins produced by this antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria contribute to the continual destruction of MSH, creating a vicious cycle of decreased hormone levels and downstream effects. One of the many downstream effects of mycotoxin accumulation in the body is dysregulated hormone levels. Mold illness is a legitimate condition thats completely reversible and allows patients to get to the root cause of healing. Generally, when you see the C4a elevating, the histamine response will turn to create more prevalent symptomatology. Having a high fever, illness, surgery, significant stress, pregnancy, severe toxic mold exposure, and other traumatic events may trigger a cytokine storm that activates the mold illness gene in those that are born susceptible. I have turkey, eggs, and salmon roe occasionally. WPLoyalty. Mycotoxins from toxic mold are a subcategory of biotoxins that can impact the 25% of people that are genetically susceptible. I also consumed ghee and later raw better, as well as bone broth and plenty of salt. Histamine reactions (she never could have dairy or certain meats) Well help you find your root-cause imbalances. The CIRS protocol contains multiple steps that address each corresponding stage of the mycotoxin pathway in order to correct all consequences of toxic mold exposure. The Nutrition with Judy team is humbled to offer comprehensive support and initial diagnostic steps for mold illness patients. Complicated even more by the fact that both genetic susceptibility and experiencing a traumatic event to turn on the gene expression are required prior to exposure, mold illness can be very difficult to diagnose making it commonly misdiagnosed or left untreated. Since chronically activated, white blood cells eventually lose their normal cytokine response, leading to opportunistic infections and increased recovery times. High MMP-9 leads to whole-body inflammation by allowing inflammatory chemicals to seep through leaky blood vessels. VEGF is key for supporting new blood vessel growth, boosting blood flow, stimulating circulation, and providing oxygen and nutrition delivery throughout the body. Reduced MSH significantly contributes to leaky junctions that cause both leaky brain and leaky gut. This leads to cytokines binding directly to their receptors instead of the pathogens, causing the release of Matrix Metalloproteniase-9 (MMP9) throughout the blood. Judy Cho is board certified in holistic nutrition and a certified functional nutritional therapy practitioner. If I wake up hungry I will eat! Its common during this step to automatically believe you dont have any history of mold exposure since most of us arent aware of what water damage can look like and memory problems are prevalent for this condition. I also think they taste delicious, and theyre usually very cheap! If you find that limbic work is too strenuous to begin with, there are other modalities available that are less active. Mold exposure and mycotoxin accumulation are one of the various root causes of histamine intolerance, which is often exacerbated by impacted gut health from low MSH levels. Our personalized mold illness doctor recommendations only include Shoemaker-certified practitioners that can prescribe the necessary medication needed for the protocol. Chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, beef, organ meats, oily and white fish, hard cheese, butter and cream are all allowed. your mold illness healing journey today and. These infections commonly present as an acute response that resembles bacterial pneumonia. Ability (if she chose to) to eat plants Sleeping through the night (deep sleep from 30 mins to 2 hours average) Less brain fog increased energy Less negative and emotional thoughts (mold can cause dark thoughts) Clear skin Balanced electrolytes (it's not a carnivore issue!) For example, have you ever gotten the stomach flu after eating a specific food and then some time afterward, gotten nauseous from smelling that same food? Less negative and emotional thoughts (mold can cause dark thoughts) Losartan, a prescription medication, can be used as an intervention for stubborn elevated TGF Beta-1. The mold illness provider will prescribe a medication that has a specific receptor site size and charge capable of binding to and removing mold toxins and other biotoxins that have accumulated in the body. Stories of Healing (and Adonis Physiques!) Animal sources of dairy are not considered true Paleo. Welchol is given for sensitive individuals it is a quarter as effective as CSM but can be better tolerated by some. This is often exacerbated by defects in construction such as poor ventilation, faulty crawl spaces, flat roofs, basements exposed to saturated groundwater conditions, and improper remediation of water leaks. I will also sometimes get massive cravings for chocolate, so I eat some 100% cacao, because thats what my favorite chocolate has always been. This could require IgE allergy testing and working with an allergist. It's kind of like the elemental diet except on the elemental diet the bacteria can . Take some time to think about all the homes youve lived in, schools youve gone to, your workplace history, as well as any other buildings you visited often. Low amylose diets are designed specifically to support the body will healing from mold illness and can also help with SIBO and other gut issues. Sleeping through the night (deep sleep from 30 mins to 2 hours average) Your mold illness provider will discuss the results with you as there is nuance when it comes to interpreting the results based on your geographic location. As a reminder, you only need one symptom in that cluster for it to be positive. From stage 7 of the mycotoxin pathway, ADH and osmolality levels can become out of whack. is also available in-house for those looking to reduce the initial financial burden of mold illness diagnosis. Its important to note that the VCS test can be slightly flawed with about 7% of mold illness patients falsely passing the test. After the first four steps have been completed and you receive confirmation that your mold illness markers are abnormal and/or have one or more of the genetic haplotypes, youll need to find a. . A limited blood marker and genetic susceptibility test is also available in-house for those looking to reduce the initial financial burden of mold illness diagnosis. ), but even within that stretch I tried to eat animal-based as often as possible. Especially for those with mold illness, the immune system is activated but unable to identify the toxic mold pathogens leading to the mind constantly looking for the cause. As many of you know, I started the carnivore diet on January 1, 2020, hoping to give it one year. The most trusted tests used for this are called the ERMI and HERTSMI-2. The diet works by eliminating all plant-based foods and solely eating meat, fish, eggs and small amounts of low-lactose dairy foods. This is the most important phase of the mold illness treatment protocol from Dr. Shoemaker. With increased. It generally requires a balance of both (and finding the right times) that enables optimal healing. Judy Cho is board certified in holistic nutrition and a certified nutritional therapy practitioner and the author of Carnivore Cure, Meat-Based Nutrition and the ultimate elimination diet for optimal health. In mold illness, the impaired immune system isnt capable of identifying the mold and other biotoxins for antibody creation and correct detoxification. Some adherents eat only meat, salt, and water. Toxin levels are corrected by this medication thats prescribed by your mold illness provider. Here are some of the common mold illness symptoms: The fact that many of these symptoms can be caused by other conditions is one of the reasons why mold illness is regularly misdiagnosed. . Its critical to remove ongoing mold exposure and begin mycotoxin removal from the body as other steps wont be effective until the first two are completed. The CIRS protocol developed by Dr. Shoemaker is the only clinically proven, peer-reviewed treatment for mold illness and has treated tens of thousands of patients worldwide. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Nutrition With Judy All Rights Reserved | Disclaimer. The next step is working with a provider to run lab work. I like to say I eat 95% carnivore, 5% paleo a.k.a. Reach out to our team if you need help determining if your case warrants further exploration. The ensuing impacts of low MSH, various bodily symptoms impacted by mycotoxin circulation, and the development of autoimmune conditions in certain genetically susceptible individuals (referred to in stage four), explain the varying range of symptomology in those with mold illness. Things I consume daily that are outside of the animal kingdom are mainly in the form of drinks. In this state, the body fat burns more quickly because you have essentially run out of your primary energy source, glucose. There are many free resources you can find online for limbic retraining. These mold species include Aspergillus Penicilloides, Aspergillus Versicolor, Chaetomium Globosum, Stachybotrys Chartarum, and Wallemia Sebi. Well search for answers until we turn over every rock (or case study and research paper). The inflammatory marker shows the innate immune response to toxic mold exposure found in water-damaged buildings. Decreased VEGF can cause shortness of breath, reduced exercise capability, fatigue, and muscle cramps. The 7-Day Diet Plan On a carnivore diet, you can eat red meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. If a mold illness patient has completed all other steps and is confirmed out of mold exposure, the last step of taking VIP has the capability to lower the C4a level back to its normal range. Creating a healthy omega 3:6 ratio is accomplished by supplementing with either. Copyright 2023 Nutrition With JudyAll Rights Reserved | Disclaimer, Nutritionists Guide to the Carnivore Diet, Personal Care Guide to Non-Toxic Products, When people think of mold, they often dont understand the actual consequences and dangers that this organic substance can pose. We recommend opting for one of these diets for optimal support during healing. And there is no shortage of physique transformations either! In turn, this helps lower overall inflammation. I stuck to a meat-only diet and ate only beef with some poultry products here and there. Its critical to find a CIRS provider for achieving root cause healing, not just any practitioner that works with mold toxicity and illness since this prescription medication is a requirement for properly treating mold illness. The cytokines have a different impact on the brain they bind to leptin receptors, preventing these receptors from properly regulating the metabolism, immunity, and reproductive function. VEGF (normal range: 31-86 pg/mL): VEGF is key for supporting new blood vessel growth, boosting blood flow, stimulating circulation, and providing oxygen and nutrition delivery throughout the body. For those with financial constraints, the HERTSMI-2 test will analyze dust samples for the big 5 molds most problematic for those with mold illness. The. I also actually do well with low-glycemic ice creams, as well, interestingly enough! After the first four steps have been completed and you receive confirmation that your mold illness markers are abnormal and/or have one or more of the genetic haplotypes, youll need to find a Shoemaker-certified practitioner. Since chronically activated, white blood cells eventually lose their normal cytokine response, leading to opportunistic infections and increased recovery times. in-house that can be completed at any LabCorp. The carnivore diet boasts weight loss, improved mood, as well as blood sugar regulation. Tip: Circle which symptoms you have in the graphic and see if it results in eight or more clusters. Ability to sweat Our brains automatically develop neural pathways in response to all of our experiences. Mold allergies are more common among children than adults. No more dry mouth. In all mold illness cases as well as other biotoxin cases, the complement system is continually activated leading to more consequences. During this step, youll also need to get other specific lab work completed. The initial symptoms created by these cytokine effects can present as headaches, poor body temperature regulation, muscle aches, and concentration issues. I was finally starting to feel like myself again, and I loved the fact that I didnt have to think about food as much and spent way less time cooking. A, limited blood marker and genetic susceptibility test. Research indicates that, is susceptible to chronic mold illness and. The beginning phases and steps of the protocol will help lower C4a innately if the patient is successful in completing these. Another critical downstream effect of the cytokines in the brain is the reduction of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH). She holds a psychology and communications degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and shes the author of the best-selling book, Carnivore Cure. Judy has a private practice, focusing on root-cause healing and gut health. Mold illness symptoms are often mistaken with other chronic conditions. Lets explore the causes, diagnostic criteria, and treatment protocol for this legitimate condition. As a reminder, you only need. A low amylose diet can also help with normalizing MMP-9 levels with less inflammation from sugars. For individuals that have significant histamine intolerance that are unable to take these supplements, eating wild-caught king salmon daily along with grass-finished beef are alternative, low-histamine ways of boosting omega-3 levels. In the 75% of the population that doesnt have this genetic susceptibility, the mycotoxins are correctly tagged by the immune system, broken down, then detoxed from the blood through the liver. Mold illness is a more prevalent issue than ever imagined with new scientific data and clinical experience illuminating this significant problem. I love pork rinds for a crunch, and beef sticks if Im on the go! Reduced MSH significantly contributes to leaky junctions that cause both leaky brain and leaky gut. These can be purchased from EnviroBiomics, Mycometrics, and Lis Biotech Laboratories. Judy and her nutritional therapist team focus on root-cause healing by starting with the Carnivore Cures all-meat elimination protocol and meeting their patients and clients where they are. This results in leaky brain, allowing neuropathic toxins to enter the brain which causes substantial inflammation and the dysregulation of the hypothalamus and pituitary., Full interview on podcast: When toxic mold is inhaled by these genetically-susceptible people, the complicated downstream impacts lead to a series of biochemical events. The mold illness treatment protocol is substantial and can feel overwhelming for anyone. Since all junctions in the body are compromised due to low MSH, its common for Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci (MARCoNS) to survive in the noses biofilm. Improved hormone balance Since the body is unable to detox toxic mold on its own in mold illness cases, these mycotoxins are stored in the gallbladder and excreted in the bile leading to indefinite recirculation. High-dose fish oils are another intervention used to lower heightened MMP-9. Mycotoxin exposure has also been tied to. Patients that have symptoms in at least eight of the 13 clusters should seriously consider completing the next step. Prescription DDAVP can be utilized to help normalize the bodys capability for holding on to water. Since MARCoNS exacerbate immune dysfunction, low MSH, and inflammation, this is key for unburdening the body. There are other interventions available to help these individuals live a full life and no longer in fear of mold. , meaning their immune system isnt able to correctly identify the mold pathogens and detox them on their own. I eat a lot of ground beef, ribeyes, chuck steak, and organ meats. With more than 200 of these reactions in the body, one of these chemical mediators is the histamine response. Theresa Piela Heals from Lyme, Mold, Parasites, and SIBO, not only can your life change in one weekend i, happy 11/11 portal and BOOK RELEASE DAY! Already have an account? Beware: the bacon and ground beef combination is dangerous. Complicated even more by the fact that both genetic susceptibility and experiencing a traumatic event to turn on the gene expression are required prior to exposure, mold illness can be very difficult to diagnose making it commonly misdiagnosed or left untreated.
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