All attempts by this group to observe an anti-gravity effect by reproducing past experiments have been unsuccessful thus far. Canada, UFO / October 31, 2014 by Bruce Ricketts / 5 Comments. In my opinion such an article has no place on DI. In an article, "Man's Greatest Achievement", Tesla outlined his Dynamic Theory of Gravity. But much valuable science has been done by eccentrics who are mocked by the rest of the scientific community in their time so it is possible that his claims are indeed valid. Currently, all the candidates for a new possible force are in the very large distance scale, such as the Pioneer anomaly or Dark Energy. And just in case you're wondering, NASA's zero-gravity flights aboard modified C-9 aircraft are not examples of antigravity. SparkyTWP said: The general population has this romatic idea of some lone genius in a basement who turns science on its head. The cause of this bizarre physics discovery? The anti gravity suit was a collaboration between Franks and his Banting and Best Medical Research Institute colleagues at the University of Toronto. The fusion of dissimilar materials, which is exceedingly remarkable, indicates clearly that the Hutchison Effect has a powerful influence on Van der Waals forces. . With a camera mounted to it? Every breakthrough requires unbelievably expensive equipment and is built on the work of others. 6, pp. Commander C.P. He also claims to work for the US Military while living in Vancouver, Canada . But if the chamber is vibrating rapidly, the researchers found that viscous liquids never quite reached the bottom of the chamber instead, they levitated above it on a cushion of air. This article is marked as 'retired'. Note that this does not count conceptual discoveries such as relativity or math theories. Universal Gravity is a theory, not a fact, regarding the natural law of attraction. I also strongly believe the universe of information is at our finger tips if we could only open up our minds enough to access it. This page was last edited on 17 March 2023, at 22:28. As such, antigravity technology remains both the Holy Grail and a red flag. gravity, also called gravitation, in mechanics, the universal force of attraction acting between all matter. Anti-gravity is a recurring concept in science fiction. This guy, Hutchinson, is obvioulsy a quack- he admitted to forging some video proof. Discovering what anti-gravity could mean in these fields offers great potential for future research, write the authors. They have been given a billion dollars,to do what Pons and Fleishman done with a shoestring budget. [31] They have found that no thrust could be observed in a vacuum and that Brown's and other ion lifter devices produce thrust along their axis regardless of the direction of gravity consistent with electrohydrodynamic effects. They are probably Canadians. NASA: Responding to Mechanical Antigravity. There's been no shortage of hoaxes, conspiracy theories and credibility-straining reports regarding its research. Much higher than that. Was it the CIA? he was asked. Good advice, White_Matter. If such energy exists, it could be an enormous amount it is theorized that there is enough energy in the volume the size of a coffee cup to completely boil away Earths oceans. The Host with the Anti-Gravity Most. Or the inside of the De Lorean from Back to the Future. I duplicated this experiment by tossing cats out of highrise buildings. US air force support of general relativity: 19561972. The new ALPHA-g detector, built at Canada's TRIUMF facility and shipped to CERN earlier this year, should improve the limits on the gravitational acceleration of antimatter down to the critical. Smith was convinced that energy could be extracted from the magnetic fields that surround Earth. The Super Power Issue Being Invisible The Antigravity . The guy is just a salesman with crap to sell. They all crashed to the ground, thereby proving the experimental datum. As always, your article on Hutchison is DI!! Oh yeahhe also has solved the mystery of the Ark of the Covenant & actually made one that worked, along with a few other things we dont quite have the answer forshades of Ron Wyatt. The concept of antigravity, the hypothetical phenomenon of creating a place or object that is free of gravity, has been around for a while now. On their, overly educated Alan Bellows is the founder/designer/head writer/managing editor of Damn Interesting. "We now know how to travel to the stars. Michael Grosso v - t - e John Hutchison (October 19, 1945-) is a Canadian self-proclaimed inventor who claims to have discovered, and promptly forgotten, the secrets of levitation, free energy, and how to make certain metals vanish. Sc., visits an unnamed Hindu man masquerading as a viticulturist somewhere on the Pacific coast who claims to have invented a flying boat that uses an "apergent"a rare metal called "radlum"to produce controlled apergic force, allowing the vessel to ascend and descend. 1997. If its not spam, itll show up right here real soon.]. :), One particularly damning piece of evidence against him is a video he produced for a television special which shows a toy UFO levitating and jumping around wildly. Antigravity is a recurring concept in science fiction, particularly in the context of spacecraft propulsion. A bit like hearing a great urban legend and then finding out its false. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered. It's this push and pull of forces the scientists say is key to the anti-gravity effect. We share the latest discoveries in science, explore new. Apergy is a fictitious form of anti-gravitational energy first described by Percy Greg in his 1880 sword and planet novel Across the Zodiac. Scientists werent looking for energy in potatoes, but once the fine details were discovered and understood, they could pick one up and say, Check this out! Also, there is no evidence of displacement, such as would occur if, for example, one were to sink a stone into a bowl of water. As you might imagine, the idea of reducing, canceling or protecting against this effect of gravity is highly appealing. Antigravity technology would revolutionize space exploration and energy production. The gravimeter results, recorded on graph paper, showed a very large and unexplainable deflection, and the researchers rushed outside to have a look. No further information about this university research project or the "Gravity Generator" device was ever made public. After reading so many great articles, this has been a let down. John Hutchison (born October 19, 1945) is a Canadian inventor known for The Hutchison Effect Alternative Energy Devices ,Life Exstention Projects with Vitamins, Navy ship dismantling Restoration of Machine Tools His sense of humor mostly and acting abilities as seen as his character Karla Kniption and others who are featured in films and radio This is really an amazing thought, but what about some basic building block, that is existent everywhere? For dedicated service in the advancement of Technical Standards in Canadian Broadcasting. December 2006. A reduction in mass together with an increase in the heat energy certainly creates anti-gravity grounds for a realistic explanation of the expansion of intergalactic distances (expanding universe) with an acceleration. By 1939 Wilbert Smith was working for the federal Department of Transport. The antigravity, or g-suit. I like the cut of your jib. Segment 1 (5 min): This news real footage gives a good overview of John Hutchison's equipment and principles of his antigravity devices. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Introducing Anti-gravity & Quantum Energy technologies with a new understanding of old science. He said that the U.S. Air Force had loaned him a piece of the recovery. Many scientists strongly believe that antigravity isn't possible, given what we know about the universe and the laws that govern it. 1991-1997 . But, the concept of zero point energy does not belong to him. scientist who is researching President Dwight D. Eisenhowers possible contact with aliens in the 1950 and the query I am making is part of this investigation. Again, this is evidence of strong influence on Van der Waals forces. Another effort in the private sector to master understanding of gravitation was the creation of the Institute for Field Physics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1956, by Gravity Research Foundation trustee Agnew H. Bahnson. Tesla's Anti-gravity technology would help him create the ultimate Flying SaucerSpace Ship, by taking advantage of the electromagnetic fields which would allow his invention to travel from the ground towards the sky with extreme speed and facility. I think he was an idiot for releasing that video.. seriously.. did he even WATCH it? Anti-gravity: The Secret Space Race.Best of Earth Lab: Best of BBC Earth: Gravity, we'v. BTW, the Kelvin temperature scale is not measured in degrees. I cant stop laughing. July 29, 2002. While Im not sure I can say that I think hes actually produced the effect, I think whatever he says creates it, is true. Gravity is a favoritesource of propulsion for science fiction writers. Or why NASA has chosen previously to research antigravity through projects with names like Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project (1996-2002). Under Extreme Conditions, Gravity Could Exhibit This Truly Bizarre Behavior, Nuclear Power Could Usher in an Atomic Era of Space Exploration, Why Is My Dog Shaking? Anti-gravity (also known as non-gravitational field) is a hypothetical phenomenon of creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity. She was a Chinese-American who chose to devote her life to science. [47], Apergy can also be found in an 1896 article, "Some Truths About Keely,"[48] where Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore used it to describe the latent force John Keely harnessed, by employing frequency to release the latent force found within all atomic matter.[49]. Alt Propulsion. Denials were made, but it became obvious that something unusual was under way at Shirleys Bay. . I can say to you that it went into the hands of a highly classified group. "Will rising water droplets change science?" Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. In 1950 Smith attended a North American Radio Broadcast Association conference in Washington, DC. 1. Although this force is well understood to be illusory, even under Newtonian models, it has nevertheless generated numerous claims of anti-gravity devices and any number of patented devices. NASA even published a booklet titled "Responding to Mechanical Antigravity" to help amateur and professional researchers, most of whom submitted ideas (as many as 100 per year) involving machines that falsely appeared to create an antigravity effect. By Tom Fish 06:25, Fri, Sep 4, 2020 | UPDATED: 07: . Anti-gravity (also known as non-gravitational field) is a hypothetical phenomenon of creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity. I appreciate it, personally. In astronomical terms, gravity dominates nuclear and . 22. Zero-point energy is the energy present at zero degrees Kelvin zero Kelvins, the temperature at which all activity in an atom supposedly ceases. I recall the scalar wave theory postulates the existence of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. Still, some UFO conspiracy theorists believe U.S. forces captured Nazi scientistsand even Kammler himselfand put them to work on developing Die Glocke's anti-gravity technology. However, most scientists believe that such anti-gravity research is fundamentally flawed. That such technology is possible is supported by the innumerable UFO videos and sightings all around the planet. One video shows a spoon flapping up and down like a limp rag in a stiff breeze. Go to about 1:45 into the video. He could then film the objects with an upside-down camera as he powers down the electromagnet, making the objects on film appear to float up and out of the shot when in reality they are falling down to the floor. They approach zero Kelvins sooner than most because of the jet stream, but are overall a decent people. Is it just me, or does it look like they are just using a thin stick with a ball on the end to pull out the liquidy, ice creamy looking stuff? Wilbert Smith died of cancer December 27, 1962. The US Navy has been granted a patent for an advanced aircraft which resembles a flying saucer UFO. This may have been true in the dawn of science where a lot of discoveries did not need advanced equipment or manpower, but its not true now. 16 of the 71 participants in the November event of Alt Propulsion were current or former NASA staff and 14 others were from noteworthy institutions such as MIT and Harvard University, making it all the more possible that a plausible solution to antigravity might be discovered. In this state, random electromagnetic oscillations can still be observed, meaning that there is still some amount of energy present., ballaerina said: As an observer, that looks pretty BS to me. ; ). the Montauk Project, Anti-gravity or Nazi experiments: Be always sure that you extensively check out the . The anomalous heating exhibited by the Hutchison Effect shows plainly that we have much to learn, especially where thermodynamics and electromagnetism meet. Gravity, you undoubtedly remember, is the attractive force between objects. The record holder is currently 100pK (10^-10). Is physics broken? Hence, if you have mass or energy (the equivalent of matter, according to the formula E=mc 2 ), then you have the . Oh, and I kinda have to believe the Canadians are a race.extraterestrial race, but a race none the less. [27] A recommendation was made to conduct further tests at a 1999 AIP conference.[28]. such as a Death Ray how can we explain so many things with 9/11, and the plane that just seemed to have vanished just recentlyMalaysia Airlines Flight 370.. "I knew even before I met him that Tim Ventura had to be the host," Sokol told The Debrief. In fact, he says, that trust came into play at their very first APEC planning meeting. Its never true. LiveScience is where the curious come to find answers. The focus for the future, then, is first to increase the frequency of occurence of the effects, then to achieve some degree of precision in their control. Why wouldnt he angle the camera away from the string. Crackpot alert! John Hutchison's life changed drastically in 1979 when, upon starting up an array of high-voltage equipment, he felt something hit his shoulder. What I was trying to say was that the discovery of something revolutionary such as a new force or energy source would probably not be discovered in some guys apartment, mostly for the fact that forces that can be observed on the human scale have already been described very well with current theories. Burdern and Mitchclosvie both give details accounts of the over 40 objects shown to levitate due to the anti-gravity effect. Pet Experts Answer This Important Question. The comment on Hutchison is near the bottom of the article. If this really is anti-gravity why would the objects go up? [9][10][11], In 1948 businessman Roger Babson (founder of Babson College) formed the Gravity Research Foundation to study ways to reduce the effects of gravity. Forward pointed out that the self-acceleration effect is due to the negative inertial mass, and could be seen induced without the gravitational forces between the particles.[19]. First, however, we'd just have to drastically alter our understanding of physics and figure out how to counter this powerful force. How did they do it This kind of inverse buoyancy isn't something you're likely to observe in the wild, so instead the researchers created a highly tuned research environment using a glass chamber, glycerol and silicon oil, and a vibrating plate. Given the considerable ambient ionisation ., another viewpoint said: As for zero degrees kelvinevery guy knows how cold this is and how easily this temperature can be reproduced in real lifein particular while dating!. She claimed that an anti-gravity effect could be produced by rotating ions creating a gravitomagnetic field perpendicular to their spin axis. The researchers demonstrate the bizarre effects of these levitating liquids using two small toy boats. From the hoverboards of "Back to the Future" to the gravity guns of "Half-Life 2," science fiction is peppered with antigravity technology. The radio wave interferences involved in producing these effects are produced from as many as four and five different radio sources, all operating at low power. The inventor describes apergy as "a force obtained by blending positive and negative electricity with ultheic, the third element or state of electric energy" and calls apergy a "second phase of gravity," hinting at a third phase as well. In a non-vibrating environment, we would expect the top boat to float (thanks to Archimedes' principle of buoyancy) and the boat on the underside to fall to the bottom of the chamber. You know, I built a large (6-foot) form of the Smith Coil antenna and connected it to an ordinary radio. It should be noted that the entirety of thermodynamics is represented by the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is insignificant in a context of 0 Hz to infinite Hz. In response, Canadian physicist Robert William Boyle and French scientist Paul Langevin co-produced a prototype Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee (ASDIC) device, the earliest sonar system. Those sorts of waves in a scalar field will have a direction of propagation; its the field that has no direction. Its never true. Floating vehicles that use some kind of techno-magic anti-gravity system have been a staple of science fiction for decades and decades. But, actually, many great scientists are/were. Frolov in 1983 interview referred to Prof Baron Manfred von Ardenne as first hand witness. Woods, C., Cooke, S., Helme, J., and Caldwell, C., "Gravity Modification by High Temperature Superconductors," Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA 20013363, (2001). After Dave was approached by Canadian officials inquiring about his experiment, he began corresponding with leading edge scientists in the US working in the classified world. It appears Smith was under pressure to deny his research results, and on May 17, 1955, Smith testified at a Commons Special Committee on Broadcasting that no UFOs had been detected at Shirleys Bay. Given that Hutchisons claims are outlandish and his credibility damaged by admitted fakery, it is likely that the effect named for him is complete claptrap. In 1921, while still in high school, Thomas Townsend Brown found that a high-voltage Coolidge tube seemed to change mass depending on its orientation on a balance scale. The guy is just a salesman with crap to sell. its just that the greedy bankers,could not figure how to meter it out for $$$. He is a scientist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and has worked with Dr. Li Ning. Many of the videos include conspicuous objects in the scene which do not move (such as an old broom), which could be deliberately attached to add to the illusion that the camera is not upside-down. The British Royal Navy's Board of Invention and Research required innovations to protect ships from submarines during the First World War. In her theory, if a large number of ions could be aligned, (in a BoseEinstein condensate) the resulting effect would be a very strong gravitomagnetic field producing a strong repulsive force. Biology/Neurobiology, SOURCE: Remember pet rocks? Some of his worshippers are scientists that have invented levitation devices, which work on the concept of the Joules-Lenz Law.only they dont realize that what they ave invented, was known about 175 years ago. The Hynek/Valle Classification System is Obsolete The Experiencer Support Association, The Hynek/Valle Classification System is Obsolete -, Psychic Warnings on the Canadian Pacific Railway. In a striking and baffling contradiction, dissimilar substances can simply come together, yet the individual substances do not dissociate. Now his findings are being investigated in laboratories worldwide. [29] There is also research and videos on the internet purported to show lifter-style capacitor devices working in a vacuum, therefore not receiving propulsion from ion drift or ion wind being generated in air.[29][30]. Its very scarecrow., [Due to excessive links or the presence of certain words that smell of spam, your comment has been placed in a temporary holding cell. Energy!. Anti-gravity-like concepts were investigated under the name "diametric drive". The Canadian military tries to . I could get Calgary radio stations in the daytime and a San Francisco one in the night-time. To me, this guy looks like a shaved wedding-dress guy than a scientist. "What is antigravity?" was found in communications between the White House and Vice Admiral Herbert Knowles. Canadian Engineers, Scientists, and Inventors continue to influence and shape our world. [23][24][25] No independent testing or public demonstration of these devices is known. Cold Fusion Pons and Fleischman got it right sort of say NASA MIT Stanford etc. (June 21, 2010), "Russia's 'gravity-beating' scientist." The number of signatures the declaration has received is an increase from October 7, when it had signatures from at least 2,826 medical and public health scientists, 3,794 medical practitioners. ), Thomas Valone, Electrogravitics II: Validating Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology, Integrity Research Institute, page 52-58. 1c3d0g said: White_Matter: shut your stupid little trap before someone does it for you. There's very little that screams "THE FUTURE" like a. In the 1990s, Li worked as a research scientist at the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research, University of Alabama in Huntsville.In 1999, she left the university to form a company, AC Gravity, LLC, to continue anti-gravity research. June 1, 2021 You may not know the name [Richard Hamming], but you definitely use some of his work. Jerk. He saves so much energy, not having to work for a living. He noted that two identical masses, one positive and one negative, placed near each other will therefore self-accelerate in the direction of the line between them, with the negative mass chasing after the positive mass. BTW, how do i get my hands on old navy & military hardware? When asked later if he returned the piece to the Air Force, he replied, Not the Air Force. No one -- including NASA researchers -- has been able to replicate this experiment in the nearly two decades since that time. Soviet Weather Engineering Over North America / Scalar Energy Weapons [Documentary | 62mins]:, CBS 60 Minutes Cold Fusion, More Than Junk Science:, Heavy Watergate: The War on Cold Fusion [Documentary | 45m]:, Action 6 News Segment on Stanley Meyers Water Powered Car [2m]:, Stanley Meyers 1992 Water Powered Car Interview [37m]:, Lightworks AV Free Energy the Race to Zero Point [Documentary | 110m]:, Letter from the U.S. Army reminding Mr. Hutchison that the information regarding The Hutchison Effect is Classified:, Letter from Electric Spacecraft Journal of Research containing information that was submitted to NASA for use in improving anti-gravity spacecraft propulsion technologies:, Document from The Planetary Association for Clean Energy, discussing possible theories behind how The Hutchison Effect is generated, and all sorts of other relevant information, including a time line of relevant events concerning John Hutchison and The Hutchison Effect:, Document from Nuclear Physicist, Dr. Robert Koontz Ph.D, testifying to the validity of The Hutchison Effect:, Document from the Canadian Department of National Defense, discussing some of their equipment that Mr. Hutchison has used to generate the anomalies of The Hutchison Effect:, Document showing that some of Mr. Hutchisons research has been submitted to NASA:, Letter to NASA briefly discussing The Hutchison Effect and its potential application for space exploration, and it also mentions that Mr. Hutchisons experiments have been successfully replicated by Toronto researcher George Hathaway:, The Hutchison Effect An Explanation Smith continued to work on gravity research, and gave a presentation in 1959 to the Illuminating Engineering Societys Canadian Regional Conference. Here is a clarifying link: This is me with one of my cat subjects. My BS detector goes crazy when somebody claims to be able to do things that are silly, like make irons stick to their hands or mix wood and metal. Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. We illuminate our fascinating world, and make your everyday more interesting. Essentially, the concept of tapping zero-point energy assumes that the universe is saturated in a constant background energy which we cannot observe because it is present everywhere, even within ourselves and our measuring devices.. The metal simply comes apart. The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or more Tesla coils. CanadianNate said: I thought no scientist has ever been able to create zero degrees kelvin, although I know theyve gotten pretty damn close(within a few thousandths of a degrree), in a controlled environment using lasers to slow down molecules, so Im wondering how he was able to(or claims to) tap the zero point energy that comes with it?. The same equations do not, of themselves, rule out the existence of negative mass. Though I dont think you could be more wrong. Btw, can anybody actually satisfactorily explain what the heck a scalar wave is? I am going to step out on limb an predict (based on his appearance) that in 1991 Hutchison did perform this experiment sucessfully, at least he thinks he did. Click on the picture for video showing many different kinds of objects being levitated.
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